Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 2 - Rockport to Diablo Lake

Left Rockport campground and followed the Sagit River some more. Jerry kept wishing for a breakfast sandwich and, lo and behold, in Marblemount the two restaurants were closed, but the convenience store sold some killer breakfast sandwiches. Road on to the North Cascades National Park Visitors Center and checked the topos for the rest of the ride. Started climbing up US 20 (North Cascades Highway) and had to go through a couple of tunnels, the first of which had a push button to warn motorists that there we bicycles in the tunnel. Nice view of Diablo Dam as we finish the ride to Colonial Creek campground at the bottom of Diablo Lake. Beautiful campsite close to the lake and we got to see an osprey catch a fish. Had the usual freeze dried (except Dick who is a more adventurous backwoods gourmet) and turned in early which is becoming the routine.

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